Our next Christianity Explored Course will be running from Monday 29th January 2024. Please contact us to find out more or book your place.
We love to introduce people to Jesus. That’s why we run a Christianity Explored course. Developed over many years, it is used all over the world. The course is accessible to people with no Christian background. It cuts to the heart of who Jesus is and why he came by simply walking participants through part of the Bible called Mark’s Gospel.
The seven evenings of the course are very relaxed. They begin with a free hot meal eaten in small groups. There will be a short talk, a guided conversation in small groups about part of Mark’s Gospel, and plenty of opportunities to ask questions. You won’t be asked to sing or pray or do anything you don’t want to. You can simply come and listen. You are warmly invited to our next course. To find out more please contact the church office.
We did the seven Christianity Explored talks as a series in our Sunday services. You can watch the first of these below, or click the button under the video to go to the YouTube playlist with all seven videos.
If you would like to meet up with someone on a one to one basis we can offer people the opportunity to read through another part of the Bible called John’s Gospel. We use The Word 121 material. If you would like to meet up with a Christian to do that please contact the church office.
In the meantime, do look at our webpage about Jesus to find out more about him.